Participants lining up to obtain the first portion of the composite sample.
A CRMCA Test Fest session was held on December 9th, 2015 at the CDOT Materials Testing Laboratory in Durango, CO. As with previous Test Fest sessions, the purpose of Test Fest is to provide an opportunity for technicians to self-assess their competency in performing the four fresh concrete tests (slump, air content, density, and temperature) and to compare compressive strength results among the participating concrete laboratories.
Thank you to Russ Ebel and Patrick Murphy at CDOT for the generous use of the laboratory facility, and to Four Corners Materials for supplying the concrete. Also thanks to the committee members and participants from Geomat Inc., Trautner Geotec, Western Technologies Inc., Yeh & Associates, Four Corners Materials, and Grand Junction Ready Mix (Elam Construction).