During the August 21 Industry Tour Sens. Laura Woods and Kevin Grantham and Reps. Justin Everett and Kevin Priola joined members at a tour of the Martin Marietta facilities in Golden, CO.
Hello CRMCA members. Can you believe it’s September? I hope everyone’s summer was a safe and prosperous one. Although Labor Day is over, the weather is still pleasant. With fall approaching, here is what’s going on at CRMCA.
At the July board of directors meeting, we reviewed our Strategic Plan and ensured our priorities aligned with the recommendations of the board. I have said many times the association MUST provide benefit to the membership. This annual review process ensures our time and efforts go hand in hand with your needs. Our primary focus areas remain Governmental Affairs, Regulatory, Marketing and Technical Improvements. There are clear initiatives for each of these areas that drive the day to day activities of staff and committees, who then report progress at various board meetings.
We have been working closely with our Colorado Construction Industry Coalition (CCIC) partners, assessing funding mechanisms for transportation. This group, consisting of CRMCA, CCA, CSSGA, PCA, and CAPA have conducted various surveys determining tolerance levels for funding options. Additionally, meetings have been held with the governor to discuss possible directions. While very preliminary, we remain focused on ways to bring funding to the much needed highway and infrastructure needs in Colorado. View the preliminary poll data.
Lastly, in August we participated in the first Industry Outreach Site Tour. While hosted by CSSGA, it was in cooperation with CRMCA and the Colorado Asphalt Pavement Association. Approximately 25 Elected officials and regulatory leaders from across the state participated in a presentation about the importance of the construction material supply sector and the economic impact we provide for Colorado. The group then toured the Martin Marietta facility in Golden, CO via bus. This allowed the audience to see mining, concrete and asphalt plants first hand while pointing out items like dust control, emission monitoring and water recycling. With the success of this tour, we plan to make this an annual event. Thanks to Martin Marietta for their graciousness in hosting the tour. (need to include a picture if possible)
As usual, check out our website and social media channels for more information. Thanks for supporting your Colorado Ready Mixed Concrete Association!!!
Todd R. Ohlheiser
Executive Director
Colorado Ready Mixed Concrete Association