ICFMA Board Members: Mike Kennaw, Andy Lennox, Murray Snider with CRMCA Executive Director, Todd Ohlheiser
Ohlheiser goes on 14 dates in 1 day!
YES, it’s true and YES, it got your attention! Let me provide the facts.
The event is called “Speed Dating”, the Mason Contractors Association of America’s (MCAA) offshoot of “Speed Networking”, which is a way to interact and present ideas in a fast paced and small group setting. My involvement was part of team presentations at the MCAA midyear conference, recently held in Colorado. I was asked by NRMCA to present the Build with Strength information on their behalf. It called for teaming up with the Insulated Concrete Forms Manufacturing Association (ICFMA) to present to small groups of 3 to 6 people on a tightly timed schedule. The objective is to drive involvement with the mason industry to bid on upcoming projects and construct with ICF. By the end of the day, 14 meetings (dates) later, I can say the event was a huge success. There appeared to be a lot of interest by key mason contractors throughout the country. The small group presentations and frank discussions were very effective.
While both CRMCA and NRMCA support all construction methods, ICF has been identified as a way to compete on a cost first basis with wood frame construction on buildings of 4 stories or higher. This is part of the NRMCA’s Build with Strength initiative, which has been adopted by CRMCA, to promote and expand the use of concrete vs wood on midrise buildings throughout the state and region. For more information contact buildwithstrength.com.
Todd R. Ohlheiser
Executive Director
Colorado Ready Mixed Concrete Association