Rich Umbel, Oldcastle SW Group (r) speaks with Mike Sheahan, Front Range Aggregates (l) during a networking event this spring.
Hello and welcome to the June 2015 CRMCA President’s Blog. It is hard to believe that we are already at the midpoint of 2015! I feel the timing is right to give a quick update on a few of the association’s committees and events. Also, please take five minutes of your time to participate in our Association Benchmark & Social Media Survey to let us know how we’re doing.
Here are some highlights reflecting our strength in numbers theme:
Governmental Affairs – I want to thank the Legislative Subcommittee (Ben Frei, Albert Frei & Sons; David Hagerman, Martin Marietta; Keith Minor, Metro Mix; Matt Noteboom, L.G. Everist; and Garrett Varra, Varra Companies) for their efforts over the 2015 Legislative Session. These individuals continue to show their dedication and commitment through their weekly Monday morning meetings during the session. I would also like to thank our lobbyist, Totsy Rees, for her tireless efforts and hard work. Click here to view Totsy’s detailed recap of the 2015 Legislative Session.
Networking – Interaction between members and other associations are key to improving upon and creating new connections:
- CRMCA continues to have increased participation in our networking events and very generous sponsorships – thanks to all of our event and seminar sponsors!
- 2014 Annual Conference was the first joint conference with the CSSGA in many years. Attendance was increased and the post-event survey showed 94% of the survey participants were satisfied with the event
- Remember to register for the 2015 Summer Outing (use link to view event details). The event takes place in Vail, CO on July 23-24, 2015
Marketing and Education – Increased participation in marketing and a technical focus will enhance the ready mixed industry and drive innovation and standardization:
- Continuing to increase influence by increasing participation from CRMCA member companies
- Synergizing with the Technical Committee and Subcommittees to use existing resources and expertise within the membership. Through combining new technology with an industry old problem CRMCA continues to develop the Testing Standards Adherence Program
- Continuing to building alliance with other associations, such as MGPEC and the APWA, to promote the use of concrete throughout the state
Environmental – CRMCA continues to work directly with NRMCA and CSSGA to stay informed of pending regulations. We continue to partner with CSSGA on the sand and gravel general permit renewal, while NRMCA’s Environmental Task Force keeps us up-to-date on national regulatory issues.
Safety – Safety is a core value for all of our members and associates to ensure that all of their employees return home safely to their families each and every day. Our safety committee highlights and focus:
- This year, CRMCA has taken the safety message statewide through our use of webinars. Participation has greatly increased since using this technology. Sign up for the June 12 Emergency Response & Crisis Mgmt. webinar today.
- In February 2015 we held the first Safety Awards Luncheon – integrating participation from all levels of employees highlighting the employees safety innovations and successes.
- Joint safety meetings with CSSGA building on our strength in numbers theme
I want to thank all of the CRMCA members for their continued support and participation. It is exciting to see the increased strength in numbers from the highlights above; and participation will continue to deliver success into the future. I would like to close with a special thanks to the CRMCA staff for their leadership and drive. CRMCA is definitely stronger from all of their efforts. I continue to wish everyone a safe and successful 2015.
Rich Umbel
CRMCA Board President
President | Oldcastle Mountain West Division