Clockwise: Karthik Oble and Kevin MacDonald (NRMCA) tough the “Quality Concrete Seminar” on April 16; Student at CSU-Pueblo participates in the ACI Certification; Gov. Jared Polis address attendees at Concrete Day; Student at CSU-Pueblo participates in the ACI Certification; Attendees at the “Quality Concrete Seminar”; CRMCA Market Chair, Terri Kelly (Aggregate Industries), represents the industry at Concrete Day.
Hello CRMCA Membership. Welcome to the current blog from CRMCA. Hopefully your year has been a good one so far. Here are a few highlights regarding what is going on:
- The Colorado Legislative Session is coming to a close on Friday, May 3rd. It has been a very active Legislative Session and I need to thank our lobbyist, Totsy Rees for all her work and dedication at the Capitol again this year. Totsy’s leadership, along with that of our Legislative Sub-Committee lead by Ben Frei (CSSGA) has focused on what is best for our membership. Thanks to those who have shown up Monday mornings at the Capitol basement and helped us with the fight!
- With the session coming to an end, CRMCA again hosted our Concrete Day at the Capitol event. In partnership with the Colorado/Wyoming chapter of the American Concrete Pavement Association and the American Concrete Pipe Association, we served over 500 meals to elected officials, key staff members and employees at the state Capitol. This is our way of thanking those who work in the law making process while promoting the use of concrete as the building material of choice. Newly elected Governor Jared Polis joined in and addressed the crowd, noting the importance of our industry on the Colorado economy. Thanks to the Governor and all our volunteers for making it another great event!
- As CRMCA President, Dana Rotkovich, mentioned last month in his blog, we are ramping up our Build With Strength (BWS) efforts. With the 3 new Task Forces formed including the ICF Task Force, Leads Task Force, and Schools Task Force, we are positioned to make great strides in getting our message out and convert more buildings into concrete. If you have not signed up for one of these groups, I urge you to do so. It is only with a combined and focused effort, that we can increase the market share of concrete structures versus other building materials.
- As part of BWS, CRMCA sponsored a booth at the Rocky Mountain Green Building Conference in April. With the insulating abilities and sustainability of concrete and ICF structures, there was a lot of interest in our message. Many strong leads came out of this event including Lunch and Learns with Denver Public Schools. Also, in June we are partnering with NRMCA at the National Apartment Association Convention to be held in Denver. We must be focused on spreading the word regarding the benefits of constructing with concrete!
- Lastly, I want to mention our CRMCA/CSU Pueblo Partnership that occurred in April. This involved certifying engineering students with ACI Field 1 Certification, and educating them on the versatility and many uses of concrete. I want to thank CSU Pueblo along with JT Mesite and our many volunteers who helped make this session very successful and educational for the leaders of tomorrow.
Thanks for all you do for the industry and your commitment to CRMCA. I personally appreciate all the help we receive from our dedicated members. Let us know if we can be of assistance. Thank you.