Rich Umbel, Oldcastle SW Group; Gayle Lyman, Elam Construction; Michael Johnson, NSSGA; David Hagerman, Martin Marietta; Robb VanderSchaaff, Bestway Concrete at the 2014 Annual Conference.Welcome to my April President’s Blog! Spring appears to have sprung throughout the state. I hope the first few weeks of the season have treated you well.
As ready mixed concrete producers our operations would not be possible without skilled and motivated employees. The CRMCA Legislative Sub-Committee has supported the recent bipartisan workforce-development bills package. These bills will direct funds into internship programs, worker training, and apprenticeship programs. View the Denver Business Journal’s article with more details on the bills package.
April 24, 2015 has been proclaimed as Concrete Day by Governor Hickenlooper. As a thank you to the hard work our legislators have put in over the Legislative Session, we will host the 6th annual Concrete Day at the Capitol BBQ on Friday, April 24. The event is co-sponsored by CRMCA, the American Concrete Pavement Association, the American Concrete Pipe Association, and the Portland Cement Association. This is a great way for you to get engaged with your elected officials; last year we had over 500 legislators and capitol staff in attendance! Please contact ACPA/PCA’s Barbara Applegate to learn more about volunteering at this year’s event.
Concrete Day at the Capitol 2014
We also continue to improve on the Testing Standards Adherence Program. The CRMCA staff will be holding two training this month, one in person and one through a webinar. I encourage our producer members to be sure their employees are participating and collecting data. Contact Todd, Stacy, or Annelise with any questions.
Thank you for your continued participation in the CRMCA. I look forward to working with you over the coming year.
Rich Umbel
CRMCA Board President
President | Oldcastle Mountain West Division
Co-authored by Annelise Shepherd, CRMCA Administrative Assistant