Concrete Day at the Capitol is an Annual Event where CRMCA members throw a BBQ at the Capitol Grounds to thank the elected officials and staff for their hard work over the legislative session.
Find Your Elected Official
- Use this link to find your federal and local elected officials.
- Be sure you’re registered to vote at your current address.
Mission Statement
The mission of the Governmental Affairs Committee is to promote the growth and development of the Colorado aggregate and concrete industries through the advocacy of positive and permanent business friendly government laws and regulations; effective communication with our elected officials; and development of strategic partnerships to accomplish these objectives.
Governmental Affairs Committee Overview
CRMCA’s Governmental Affairs Committee works closely with members of the Colorado Stone, Sand & Gravel Association (CSSGA) in order to effectively manage the Association’s dual interests.
CRMCA and CSSGA have also partnered with the Colorado Asphalt Pavement Association, American Concrete Pavement Association – CO/WY Chapter and the Colorado Contractors Association to form the Colorado Construction Industry Coalition (CIC-527). The groups primary focus is to influence the selection, nomination, election, appointment, or defeat of candidates to federal, state or local public office and to influence ballot measures.
Legislative Subcommittee
This Subcommittee is very active during the Legislative Session between January and May. During the session, the group typically meets every Monday morning at the Capitol with the CRMCA lobbying team and Subcommittee members. In addition, the Subcommittee helps to manage the Association’s Political Action Committee – the Colorado Concrete PAC. The Concrete PAC primarily focuses on donating to industry friendly political candidates at the state and local level.
Legislative Breakfast Program
During the Colorado State Legislative Session regulatory representatives, legislative leaders, and members of the Governor’s administration are invited to visit with members of CRMCA and CSSGA.
Grassroots Awards Program
CRMCA along with the CSSGA recognize outstanding members for their participation in the political process during election years.
Committee Chairs
Chairperson: Garrett Varra, Varra Companies
Legislative Lead: Ben Frei, Albert Frei & Sons, Inc.