
Here you can find information regarding Frequently Asked Questions related to Certifications.

Please email aci@coloradocaa.org if you have any ACI questions not answered by the details below.

Where should I report the day of my certification?2020-08-07T12:13:13-06:00

Use this link to navigate to the CRMCA calendar of events. Locate the date of your exam on the calendar and click on the link. The address of your exam will be listed on the page and a link to Google maps is provided. When arriving at the specified location, follow all parking and building directions.

When is the next exam session?2020-08-07T12:10:23-06:00

Use this link to view our scheduled ACI Certifications.

What is the difference between the Member and Non-Member Registration?2024-07-15T16:02:25-06:00

CRMCA members receive up to a 40% discount on all certifications. If you do not work for a member company, please select the “non-member” rate on all registrations. The member rates are specific to CRMCA and not related to ACI membership.

All Colorado state, county, city, and municipality employees receive member pricing.

To check the status of your membership please email aci@coloradocaa.org.

If you are interested in becoming a member of CRMCA and receiving discounted ACI Certifications, click here to learn more.

I never received my exam results. Where can I find if I passed my exam?2020-08-07T12:13:30-06:00

ACI receives all completed exams by mail after your certification date. They grade and process all exams and post/distribute your credentials directly.

ACI works to have exams processed and graded between 7 and 10 business days after receiving them from the examiner. If it has been more than 4 weeks, it is possible the Postal Service was unable to deliver your credentials due to a bad address. Please contact ACI at aci.certification@concrete.org or (248) 848-3790 to verify your results and address. As of May of 2020, ACI also provides exam results via email (these will be delivered to the email address you provide the day of your certification on your exam).

I failed just the written OR performance portion of the exam. What do I do now?2020-08-07T12:13:41-06:00

You will need to retest the written or performance portion of the exam to become ACI certified. ACI allows one calendar year from the date of failure to retest that portion of the exam. If you do not pass the written or performance portion of the exam within a year, you will need to retake the entire certification. We recommend reviewing the sections and standards you initially did not pass prior to re-examination.

To retest just a written or performance only portion of the exam visit the CRMCA Certification Registration web page, select the date you would like to retest, and select either “Written Retest Only” or “Performance Retest Only” on the registration form.

When does my certification expire?2020-08-07T12:13:52-06:00

If you hold a current certification, check the expiration date here. ACI certifications are valid for 5 years from the initial certification or recertification date. CRMCA does not control certification validity in Colorado. You must register and recertify prior to the expiration date for your certification to be considered valid.

What if I need to move my registration date to a different date? [Transfer Policy]2024-07-15T16:03:16-06:00
This is considered a transfer request and refers to moving from your original date to a future certification date.
Transfers can only be processed to sessions already open for registration and not yet at capacity. If there are no open sessions with room to transfer into, the transfer will be processed as a cancellation, and you will be responsible for re-registering the attendee on your own when a future session is available.
All transfer requests must be submitted in writing to aci@coloradocaa.org. Please include the date you would like to cancel, the new date you would like to register for, and the first and last name of the attendee(s) you are transferring.
Transfer requests must be received no less than 5 business days prior to the exam date. All transfer requests received with less than 5 business days’ notice will be processed as a cancellation and will NOT be eligible for a refund. All other transfer requests may be subject to a $100 cancellation fee at CRMCA’s discretion.
Can I substitute a different examinee for the certification?2024-02-15T10:24:17-07:00

Yes, there will be no fee assessed if you need to replace one employee from a company with another for the same date. Please email aci@coloradocaa.org with the full name of the employee on the original registration, the date and type of certification, and the full name of the employee you are substituting.

What if I need to cancel my registration completely? [Cancellation Policy]2024-07-15T16:04:02-06:00
All cancellation requests must be submitted in writing to aci@coloradocaa.org. Please include the date you would like to cancel and the first and last name of the attendee(s) you are cancelling.
Cancellation requests must be received no less than 5 business days prior to the exam date. Cancellations requested with less than 5 business days’ notice and exam No Shows will NOT be eligible for a refund. All other cancellations may be subject to a $100 cancellation fee at CRMCA’s discretion.
Please note: It is the registrant’s responsibility to contact CRMCA to cancel a registration. If your registration is not cancelled through CRMCA and you are not present on the date of the exam, that is considered a No Show and is not eligible for a refund.
How long will it take to receive my study materials?2025-02-17T15:01:16-07:00
Workbooks can be purchased at any time as they are not tied to exam registrations. Please feel free to order early to give examinees extra time to prepare for their exam. To purchase Workbooks, please visit the CRMCA Certification Registration page.
Workbooks are shipped weekly. If you have not received your order within 2 weeks of ordering, please email aci@coloradocaa.org for shipment tracking information.
Please note: CRMCA offers discounts on Workbook orders of 15 or more books. Discounts vary based on the number of books ordered so please email aci@coloradocaa.org prior to ordering to get a discount code specific to your request. Please include the number and type of Workbooks you’ll be ordering. Depending on the specific details of your order, bulk orders may take slightly longer to be received than smaller orders. Please plan ahead if you’d like to place a bulk Workbook order to ensure all materials will be received with enough time for your examinees to review the materials.
Does my registration include training?2024-07-15T16:06:08-06:00

It depends!

  • Field I. CRMCA offers a day long training for ACI Field Testing Technician – Grade I. Trainings are separate from certification dates. Training sessions require pre-registration and are free for members – the cost for non-members is $120.00 for Denver-based Trainings and $170.00 anywhere else. This training does not include a workbook. Use this link to view scheduled Field 1 Trainings in Colorado.
  • Flatwork Finisher. CRMCA offers a half-day refresher/review of the Flatwork Finisher material and study material prior to the written exam that same day. Use this link to view scheduled Flatwork Finisher certifications.
  • Concrete Transportation Construction Inspector and Concrete Construction Special Inspector. Refresher/review days are offered prior to these certifications. The additional refresher/review days are included in the full exam cost.

All other listed certification dates do not include any training or review prior to, or the day of, the certification.  You are responsible for in-depth review of the provided material prior to the exam date.

Does CRMCA provide online training for certifications?2024-02-15T11:07:50-07:00

CRMCA does not offer online training. We strongly recommend training occurs through your company.

In-person training for the ACI Field Testing Technician – Grade I is available through the ACI Registration page.

CRMCA’s YouTube Channel offers instructional videos for some certification elements.

Workbooks are available to purchase on the CRMCA Certification Registration web page which can be studied in depth to aid in preparation for your certification.

Note: Agg 1, Agg 2, Agg Base and Lab 2 exams are all open book (you must provide your own book, this can be purchased using the link above.)

Can I take my exam or receive my study material in Spanish?2024-07-16T07:23:07-06:00

Yes. You can request Spanish exams and/or workbooks for the following certifications:

  • Concrete Field Testing Technician – Grade I
  • Concrete Flatwork Associate, Finisher, and Advanced Finisher


  • Written Exam language is an option on the registration form for these certifications—please select the desired language when registering.
  • To purchase Spanish language Workbooks for these certifications, simply enter the quantity of Spanish Workbooks desired on the purchase form on the CRMCA Certification Registration web page.

Special Scheduling. Spanish instruction/administration of exams must be requested as a group at least 6 weeks prior to the anticipated examination. Group sessions must be scheduled through the CRMCA directly and separate of listed certification sessions.

What if I need assistance with physical tasks required at my certification due to an injury or disability?2020-08-07T12:15:31-06:00

ACI Certification programs are ADA-compliant. Individuals who are seeking certification and require reasonable accommodations must provide ACI Certification (aci.certification@concrete.org or 248-848-3718) with a letter from their physician that outlines the recommended accommodations. ACI will review the request and formulate a recommended course of action for CRMCA to follow. All requests are handled on a case-by-case basis and must be made allowing enough time for evaluation and appropriate action by ACI. These requests cannot be made through the CRMCA.

To contact ACI Certification, call (248) 848-3790 or email aci.certification@concrete.org.

What do I need to bring to my certification?2022-07-26T09:51:02-06:00

Items you should plan to bring to your certification:

  • Photo ID
  • Closed-toe shoes
  • Proper PPE clothing (long sleeves, long pants, etc.)
  • Eye protection
How do I pay for my certification?2024-02-15T10:51:39-07:00

CRMCA is only accepting credit card payments at the time of registration.*


*If you are using Supplemental Examiner Points (SEPs), please email aci@coloradocaa.org with the following information to get registered:

Exam type and date
Registrant Full name
Company name and full address
Phone number
Email address
Full Exam: First time or Recertification?
Retest? Written or Performance

What is the Supplemental Examiner Point (SEP) Program?2024-02-15T11:08:42-07:00

The Supplemental Examiner Points Program has been reorganized to provide easier tracking by CRMCA staff and member companies. The following provides the current policy for Supplemental Examiner Point (SEP) collection and administration.

One (1) SEP (previously called Proctor Credits) is awarded to the Member company for each session per individual SE representing the company. SEPs will solely be applied to the Member company represented by the SE at each ACI certification session. SEPs can only be redeemed for registration of employees at future ACI certification dates. The following certifications are available for SEPs redemption:

·       Concrete Field Testing Technician Grade I – Three (3) SEPs

·       Concrete Strength Testing Technician – Three (3) SEPs

·       Aggregate Testing Technician Level 1 – Four (4) SEPs

Enough SEPs must be available to redeem a certification registration. Partial use of SEPs for registrations, outstanding balance, or non-ACI registrations such as association events is not allowed. Other situations not listed will be evaluated individually by the ACI Administrator.

A representative from the member company must email aci@coloradocaa.org to request the application of SEPs to any session. All credits will expire 24 months after acquisition.

Please note: If a Workbook is needed, it must be purchased separately through the CRMCA Certification Registration web page.