
In partnership with the American Concrete Institute (ACI), the Colorado Ready Mixed Concrete Association (CRMCA) offers CRMCA members and non-members alike access to ACI Certifications. Through a series of exams individuals are evaluated on their proficiency of a variety of Standards pertaining to the concrete construction industry.

CRMCA members receive a 35% discount on all classes. Learn more about membership.


If you have any questions don’t hesitate to contact the Association offices by phone: 303-290-0303 or by email: aci@coloradocaa.org.

Request to be a Supplemental Examiner aka “Proctor”

ACI certifications provided through the CRMCA continue because of the volunteers assisting during each session. These active volunteers are the Supplemental Examiners, or “Proctors”, who administer the individual performance exam stations for various certifications and active Proctors are always needed. CRMCA members who are ACI certified are encouraged to volunteer as available. Please contact CRMCA’s JT Mesite to be included in the Proctor Distribution List and gain access the ACI Supplemental Examiner Training.

Proctor volunteers’ companies are eligible to receive credit towards future certifications. Proctors are approved by the acting Examiner of Record (EOR) and CRMCA has the right to decline individuals as Proctors or the use of Proctor credits.

Current ACI Certification Offerings

Please see the following list of the ACI Certifications that CRMCA currently offers. Workbooks are not included with exam registrations. If you are planning to register for an upcoming exam, purchase workbooks early to allow for ample time to prepare.

  • Concrete Field Testing Technician Grade 1: A Concrete Field Testing Technician – Grade I is an individual who has demonstrated the knowledge and ability to properly perform and record the results of seven basic field tests on freshly mixed concrete. Learn more about the certification.
  • Concrete Strength Testing Technician Certification: A Concrete Strength Testing Technician is an individual who has demonstrated the knowledge and ability to properly perform, record, and report the results of four basic ASTM laboratory procedures related to the determination of concrete compressive and flexural strength. Learn more about the certification.
  • Aggregate Testing Technician Level 1 Certification: An Aggregate Testing Technician – Level 1 is an individual who has demonstrated the knowledge and ability to properly perform, record, and report the results of basic field and laboratory procedures for aggregates. Learn more about the certification.
  • Aggregate Testing Technician Level 2 Certification: An Aggregate Testing Technician – Level 2 is an individual who has demonstrated the knowledge and ability to properly perform, record, and report the results of advanced laboratory procedures for aggregates. Learn more about the certification.
  • Laboratory Testing Technician Level 2 Certification: A Concrete Laboratory Testing Technician – Level 2 is an individual who has demonstrated the knowledge and ability to properly perform, record, and report the results of advanced laboratory procedures for aggregates and concrete. A current certification as an ACI Concrete Laboratory Testing Technician Level 1 is required as a prerequisite to obtaining this certification. Learn more about the certification. *Note: A Concrete Laboratory Testing Technician Level 1 is an individual who has obtained concurrent certifications as both ACI Concrete Strength Testing Technician AND ACI Aggregate Testing Technician Level 1.
  • Aggregate/Soils Base Testing Technician Certification: An Aggregate Base Testing Technician is an individual who has demonstrated the knowledge and ability to properly perform, record, and report the results of basic field and laboratory procedures for aggregates and soils. Learn more about the certification.
  • Self-Consolidating Concrete Testing Technician: A Self-Consolidating Concrete Testing Technician is an individual who has demonstrated the knowledge of and ability to properly perform five standard test methods and practices on self-consolidating concrete. Learn more about the certification.
  • Concrete Flatwork Associate, Finisher, and Advanced Finisher: Concrete Flatwork Associate, Finisher, and Advanced Finisher Certification: A Concrete Flatwork Associate is a person who has demonstrated knowledge (via a written examination) on proper procedures to place, consolidate, finish, edge, joint, cure and protect concrete flatwork. A Finisher has also demonstrated the skills (via a hands-on performance exam) and an Advanced Finisher has demonstrated the knowledge and skills and/or experience. Learn more about the certification.
  • Specialty Commercial/Industrial Concrete Flatwork Finisher and Technician Certification: A Specialty Commercial/Industrial Concrete Flatwork Finisher & Technician is a person who has demonstrated a basic knowledge of finishing procedures for Specialty Commercial/Industrial Concrete Flatwork Finishing, including high tolerance floor construction, application of surface treatments, and silica fume concrete, and who has demonstrated skill in operating mechanized finishing equipment. A Specialty Commercial/Industrial Concrete Flatwork Technician is a person who has demonstrated a basic knowledge of finishing procedures for Specialty Commercial/Industrial Concrete Flatwork Finishing, including high tolerance floor construction, application of surface treatments, and silica fume concrete, but who lacks sufficient work experience and verified skills needed to qualify as a Specialty Commercial/Industrial Concrete Flatwork Finisher & Technician. Learn more about the certification.
  • Decorative Concrete Flatwork Finisher and Associate: A Decorative Concrete Flatwork Finisher is a craftsman who has demonstrated knowledge about and the ability to place, finish, cure, and protect decorative concrete flatwork. A Decorative Concrete Flatwork Associate is a person who is knowledgeable about proper procedures to place, finish, cure, and protect decorative concrete flatwork, but who lacks sufficient work experience to qualify as a Decorative Concrete Flatwork Finisher. Learn more about the certification.
  • Concrete Construction Special Inspector Certification: A Concrete Construction Special Inspector is a person qualified to inspect and record the results of concrete construction inspection based on codes and job specifications. The program covers inspection during preplacement, placement, and post-placement operations. Learn more about the certification.
  • Concrete Transportation Construction Inspector Certification: A Concrete Transportation Construction Inspector is a person who has demonstrated proficiency in concrete inspection methods for transportation projects, including preplacement, placement, and post-placement operations. A Concrete Transportation Construction Inspector-in-Training is a person who has demonstrated knowledge in concrete inspection methods for transportation projects, but does not have the experience required to qualify as an ACI Concrete Transportation Construction Inspector. Learn more about the certification.

Verify Individual Certification

Utilize the ACI Certified Personnel Directory to verify individual’s certification status. The Directory may also be used by specifying agencies to determine if an adequate number of certified individuals reside in regions to support requirements for certification in project specifications.