Member Benefits2025-01-09T14:03:12-07:00

The CRMCA brings together industry leaders through our work in the governmental, promotional, compliance, and concrete certification fields. Just as concrete becomes a versatile building material with many components, CRMCA unites the ready mixed concrete industry by bringing together experienced industry experts, other construction material associations, and regulatory and elected officials to create a strong, cohesive association.

Membership Application

Why Join CRMCA?

1. Legislative Influence.
As our membership increases so does our effectiveness on presenting a unified voice for the industry. By acting together we are able to influence regulatory and legislative compliance. CRMCA’s Governmental Affairs Committee partners with the Colorado Construction Industry Coalition to influence the selection, nomination, election, appointment or defeat of candidates to federal, state or local public office and to influence ballot measures. CRMCA’s own Political Action Committee (Colorado CONCRETE PAC) is dedicated to advancing the ready mixed concrete industry’s priorities at the state and local level.

2. Education & Certification.
Through partnership with the American Concrete Institute (ACI), CRMCA offers training sessions and pre-certification examination throughout the state. Members are eligible for up to 40% savings on these courses. Learn more about the certifications and trainings we offer.

3. Stronger, more cohesive industry.
CRMCA’s ability to promote and serve the industry is dependent on the support we get from our members. The more members we have, the stronger our resources and influence are. Increasing CRMCA membership results in improving our ability to meet the industry’s needs, both today and in the future.

4. Networking and information source.
Collectively, CRMCA’s membership is extremely knowledgeable regarding all aspects of the ready mixed concrete industry. When you belong, you have access to all of this information through committees, events, and seminars that give you the opportunity to discuss your issues with experienced industry leaders. CRMCA also serves as a clearinghouse of information that is disseminated to members through a number of different communication vehicles (i.e. emails, monthly newsletters, and regular committee meetings).

5. Promotional opportunities.
CRMCA offers a number of promotional benefits to its members. We encourage the use of concrete for a broad range of purposes. We also have three Regional Market Committees who meet monthly and promote concrete on a regional basis. Literature, marketing/promotional tools, and seminars are also available to CRMCA members at discounted rates.